We hope you are healthy and well.
I must start by saying a huge thank you to all our customers who have been so understanding and tolerant over recent days, and a welcome to new customers, current customers and returning customers.
If you’ve ordered from us or tried to contact us over the last week or so you will have noticed that we haven’t managed to provide our usual high levels of service, but almost without exception, our customers have appreciated the reasons why and seen our hard work in dispatching your orders.
Nonetheless we are really sorry that despite increased working hours and extra shifts we are not currently able to provide our usual levels of service and order dispatch times – throughout the logistics world, the current crisis has caused delays – whether within the UPS courier network or via our pallet delivery service, but we are working ahead of schedule in most cases.
Today our warehouse have been busy arranging new stock so our shelves are refilled to meet the current high level of demand for bottled waters, soft drinks and tonics. (If you don’t yet follow, please follow our Instagram and Facebook page which we regularly update). Our team have been grouped into small teams so that the operation continues to run for longer and to maintain the highest levels of hygiene and wellness – our warehouse team operate safe distancing and our fulfilment team have all been issued with anti-bacterial gels, gloves and face masks.
The whole team at Aqua Amore are working hard to fulfil deliveries to homes and residences throughout the UK so you can Stay Home. Protect The NHS. Save Lives.

How can you help us?
1. The most useful way is to check your account regularly, as we update order status’ frequently and this will give an indication of the progress of your order and a delivery time/courier link – failed deliveries add an extra strain on the logistics network as we strive to offer the same high level of deliveries.
2. Check the approximate delivery times at the foot of your Order Confirmation email, which will offer a rough guide in working days. For example ‘1-5 working days’ etc…
3. Check our current FAQs (here) for quick answers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We will continue to do all that we can to improve things over the coming days and like you, we very much look forward to the situation returning to something closer to normality as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please take care of yourselves – we are working very hard so you can stay home, stay healthy and stay safe.
Yours Sincerely,
Christopher Tanousis